the Research Lab for the Study of Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Effectiveness, & Wellbeing of Educational Leaders
The purpose of the Research Lab for the Study of Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Effectiveness, and Well-being of Educational Leaders is to foster interdisciplinary, collaborative, and relevant research and partnerships focused on increasing leaders’ emotional capacities and skills needed to lead during complex and uncertain times in an effort to better serve their key stakeholders.
Educational leaders should be at the forefront of advocating and supporting the emotional wellness needs of their community stakeholders. To this end, the values of the lab are outlined below:
Advocacy: Empowering voices that have been historically silenced or marginalized in the creation of key initiatives is necessary.
Community Care: In order for collective healing to occur from traumatic experiences, community care is essential.
Empowerment: All stakeholders should have input in generating solutions that will benefit the needs of the community.
The goals of the Research Lab for the Study of Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Effectiveness, and Well-being of Educational Leaders are shared below:
Training the next generation of social scientists and scholars to better understand leaders’ emotional intelligence
Engaging in creating strategic community partnerships for ongoing collaboration and support of historically underrepresented populations.
Creating interdisciplinary research collaborations to provide access to innovative solutions to complex problems around emotional wellbeing, trauma, and healing in organizational settings
Advocating to remove the stigma around grief and loss and provide support to community and organizational stakeholders