Faith-Based Topics
Dr. Chinasa Elue is able to speak on a variety of different topics that can fit the needs of your target audience. Please see the following topics below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and Dr. Elue can tailor a talk to fit your specific needs and requests.
The Importance of Your God Resume (Ephesians 2:10)
Just like your typical resume is a summary of your skills, experiences, education, and accomplishments, your God resume is a summary of all of the accomplishments, breakthroughs, and victories the Lord himself has done! Your God resume is a list of those “But God” moments that had not God not come through, you don’t know where you would be. My God Resume is full of narrations of the power of God in my life. In this talk Dr. Elue will discuss the importance of walking in faith through life’s many seasons.
In this session participants will uncover:
How to identify those critical God moments that show a new season in life
Learn my critical soul mapping technique to get you unstuck and in line for success
3 Faith Based tools to help you gain clarity, set goals, and take action NOW!
Stay in Your Lane (Romans 8:28)
Oftentimes we get caught up on looking at what everyone else around us is doing that we neglect our own charge over our lives. We begin to dwell on the negative things going on in our lives and fail to see how God is using these occurrences to work everything out together for our good. This session is aimed at getting you to stop swerving in the lanes of other’s lives and to get focused on driving in your own.
In this session, participants will discover:
3 tools for breaking down negative mental thought patterns and strongholds
How to be intentional about setting your mind up for success through changing the way you think
Harness the word of God to overcome daily battles
If You build it, They will Come (Psalm 127:1)
When it’s time to take a risk in life or our careers, we are often paralyzed with fear- fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of success! What would it take for you to trust the Lord in the new areas He is calling you to? How much do you trust the Lord that He has prepared you for such a time as this? In this session, Dr. Elue will discuss how to confront fear and move to building the life God is calling you to live!
In this session participants will uncover:
3 tools for stopping fear dead in its tracks
How to develop your life & ministry action plan
3 techniques for creating your ideal life story
The importance of developing a prayer action plan and strategy
Titans on the Rise: From Breaking Down to Breaking Through (2 Corinthians 4:8-11)
Women play a critical role in the leadership and growth of church ministries, however they may struggle with balancing the day to day tasks of everyday life. This session is tailored at empowering women to rise of up their rightful posts in their career and personal lives. This talk will break down deficit minded thinking and equip women with the tools they need to be rise to new levels in their lives.
In this session women will discover:
3 systems you can set up to attain maximum work life and home balance while increasing your productivity levels
Triumph over self-defeating behaviors
The importance of developing a comprehensive wellness plan to keep you sane and whole
Mapping out your spiritual wellbeing plan
How to reset your life in 30 days