corporate Topics
Dr. Chinasa Elue is able to speak on a variety of different topics that can fit the needs of your target audience. Please see the following topics below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and Dr. Elue can tailor a talk to fit your specific needs and requests.
Can We Really Have it All? The Importance of Maintaining Work Life Balance
Work life balance is becoming increasingly complex as professionals are progressing in their education and careers but also striving to have a viable personal life as well. A cause for alarm is the impact the lack of work life balance has on the productivity, wellbeing, and overall health of professionals. Stress related illnesses are rising and more emphasis is needed on how to navigate the daily pressures of becoming a vibrant professional while also maintaining a solid work life balance. This interactive workshop aims to discuss the issues surrounding work life balance for professionals.
In this session, participants will uncover:
The impact the lack of work life balance has on one’s overall wellbeing
Stress Management Strategies and dealing with stress induced health issues associated with a lack of balance
5 systems to implement now to attain maximum work life and home balance while increasing your productivity levels
They Didn’t Teach Me this in School: The Impact of Microaggressions on the Health and Productivity of Professionals in the Workplace
You go to school, you work hard, and you obtain that dream job, or so you thought? What you aren’t prepared for in your professional and educational training are the daily microaggressions you experience that chip away at your confidence, your health, and your overall desire to stay in your profession. What are microaggressions you ask? They are the everyday verbal and nonverbal environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate a hostile, derogatory, or negative message to specific communities. These are the comments that you may hear such as “You speak English well” even though you were raised in an English speaking country; Or maybe you did a tremendous job on a presentation at work only to hear a comment from one of your colleagues along the lines of “You’re very articulate” even though they never commented on the content of the innovative and well prepared information you just shared. Are microaggressions impacting your health and success in your job? Do you feel like you voice has been silenced? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this session is for you!
In this session, participants will develop:
An understanding of microagressive behavioral patterns in the work place
How microaggressions impact employees’ health and productivity in the workplace
3 techniques for engaging in teachable dialogue with colleagues on microaggression occurrences
Diversi- What? Diversi-Who?
Diversity has taken on an expansive meaning in the workplace and organizations are left to figure out how to create inclusive and supportive environments for all of its members. This session is created to discuss the emerging trends in diversity and provide strategies for how organizations can position themselves to provide authentic and supportive environments where diversity can thrive.
In this session, participants will:
Understand the importance of diversity in the workplace and communicating that to others
3 strategies for creating inclusive environments in the workplace
How to ensure all voices are heard in the organization