You go to school, you work hard, and you obtain that dream job, or so you thought? What you aren’t prepared for in your professional and educational training are the daily microaggressions you experience that chip away at your confidence, your health, and your overall desire to stay in your profession. What are microaggressions you ask? They are the everyday verbal and nonverbal environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate a hostile, derogatory, or negative message to specific communities. These are the comments that you may hear such as “You speak English well” even though you were raised in an English speaking country; Or maybe you did a tremendous job on a presentation at work only to hear a comment from one of your colleagues along the lines of “You’re very articulate” even though they never commented on the content of the innovative and well prepared information you just shared. Are microaggressions impacting your health and success in your job? Do you feel like you voice has been silenced? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this session is for you!
In this session, participants will develop:
An understanding of microagressive behavioral patterns in the work place
How microaggressions impact employees’ health and productivity in the workplace
3 techniques for engaging in teachable dialogue with colleagues on microaggression occurrences